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- External Evaluation: Contens
- Preface
External Evaluation
June, 2000
Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
Director: Seigo Hirowatari
Based on the concept of “ongoing external evaluation,” the Institute of Social Science (ISS) has been disclosing ISS’s research activities through various channels and media. ISS has improved its management and activities by incorporating critical evaluations from the outside of ISS.
In 1999, ISS conducted an external evaluation regarding ISS’s purpose, organizational structure, management, and research and education activities as a whole, as part of the development of the concept of “ongoing external evaluation.” The Committee for External Evaluation, chaired by Professor Ishii Shiro (International Research Center for Japanese Studies; Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo), also consisted of Professor Gerald Curtis (Columbia University), Professor Young-ho Kim (Dean, Faculty of Economics and Development, Kyungbook National University), Professor Kitagawa Zentaro (Vice-director, International Supreme Institute, Meijo University; Professor Emeritus, University of Kyoto), Professor Mari Sako (University of Oxford), Professor Takabatake Michitoshi (Surugadai University; Professor Emeritus of Rikkyo University), Professor Teranishi Juro (Director, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University), Professor Yoshikawa Hiroyuki (President, University of the Air; Chair, Science Council of Japan; Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo).
As part of the basic material for the external evaluation, ISS presented in July 1999 a self-review and self-evaluation report entitled Current Status and Tasks of the Institute of Social Science. This report is an English translation of the Preface and Part I: Present Situation and Prospects. I hope this serves for a better understanding of ISS. We welcome your comments and suggestions.