Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo

the University of Tokyo



Research Staff

Wataru Tanaka

Division Department of Comparative Contemporary Law
Research Fields Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Law and Economics

Teaching and Research Appointments

September 2007-
March 2015
Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
January 2010 -
March 2010
Visiting Associate Professor, The University of Chicago Law School
April 2015 - Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Topics of Research

1Duty and liability of corporate directors
2Mergers and associations, especially hostile takeovers and going-private transactions
3Economic analysis of law
4Research on Methods of Legal Analysis

Selected Publications

  • “Extinguishing Security Interests: Secured Claims in Japanese Business Reorganization Law and Some Policy Implications for U.S. Law”, Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal, 22(2), pp.427-479, 2006.
  • “Corporate Law” (in Japanese)(co-authored with Yasushi Ito, Kenichi Osugi and Hideyuki Matsui, 2nd ed., Yuhikaku, 2011).
  • “Going-private and the Role of Courts: A Comparison of Delaware and Japan,” UT Soft Law Review, No.3, pp.12-23, Mar 2011.
  • “Numerical Analysis of Corporate Law” (in Japanese)(edition, Yuhikaku, 2013).
  • “Corporate Takeovers and Defenses” (in Japanese)(Shoji-homu, 2012).
  • “Corporate Law (3rd ed)”, University of Tokyo Press, March, 2021.
  • Wataru Tanaka ed., “Numerical Analysis of Corporate Law”, 2nd ed., Yuhikaku, 2021 (in Japanese)
  • Kazunori Suzuki and Wataru Tanaka, eds., “Theories and Practices of Corporate Valuation”, Nihon Keizai Shuppan, 2021 (in Japanese)
  • Wataru Tanaka, "Corporate Law" (4th ed), University of Tokyo Press, March 2023 (in Japanese)
  • Tanaka, Wataru, and Masaki Iwasaki, "Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in How Institutional Investors Perceive Corporate and Securities Regulations," European Business Organization Law Review (First online published Jan.16, 2023)
  • Goto, Gen and Gordon, Jeffrey N. and Hoshi, Akio and Iida, Hidefusa and Matsunaka, Manabu and Milhaupt, Curtis J. and Iwakura, Masakazu and Shishido, Zenichi and Tanaka, Wataru and Tokutsu, Akira, Poison Pill: Still Relevant After All These Years (March 20, 2024). Columbia Law and Economics Working Paper Forthcoming, Northwestern Law & Econ Research Paper Forthcoming, Available at SSRN:  or
  • Wataru TANAKA, Analytical Methods for Commercial Law (The University of Tokyo Press, April 2024)(in Japanese)

Educational Activities

Graduate Schools of Law and Politics,
The University of Tokyo
Law and Economics
Graduate Schools of Law and Politics,
The University of Tokyo
Commercial Law Seminar