ISS: Research Staff: NAGAYOSHI, Kikuko

Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo

the University of Tokyo



Research Staff


Division Department of Comparative Contemporary Societies  
Research Fields Public Opinion Research

Teaching and Research Appointments

April 2020 − Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Topics of Research

1Public opinions about immigrants

2Integration of immigrants in Japan

3Public opinion formations in the cyber space

4Public opinions about welfare policies

5Research on methods of survey experiments

Selected Publications

  • "Intersections of gender and immigrant status in Japan: Analysis of the 2020 Basic Survey on Wage Structure" Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 89 (
  • What Does Intermarriage Say about Immigrant Integration in Japan? The Maintenance of a National and Gender Hierarchy through Marriage Norms. (Co-authored with Sayaka Osanami Törngren and Hirohisa Takenoshita) Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 21 (2), March 2023, pp. 171-188. (
  • Economic Achievement of Immigrants in Japan: Examining the Role of Country-of-Origin and Host-Country-Specific Human Capital in an Inflexible Labor Market. (Co-authored with Kihara Tate) Japanese Journal of Sociology 32( 1): 69– 95, 2023. (
  • Norms to be prejudiced: List experiments on attitudes towards immigrants in Japan.(co-authored with Akira Igarashi) Social Science Research 102,February 2022.(
  • The Political Orientation of Japanese Online Right-wingers. Pacific Affairs Vol. 94, No.1, pp. 5-31, 2021.
  • Japanese Attitudes Toward China and the United States: A Sociological Analysis.(Co-authored with Gong, Shun.) Chinese Sociological Review 51 (3): 251-270, July 2019.
  • Economic Integration of Skilled Migrants in Japan: The Role of Employment Practice. (Co-authored with Hilary Holbrow) International Migration Review 52 (2): 458-86, August 2018.
  • Political Polarization in Social Media: Analysis of the "Twitter Political Field" in Japan. (Co-authored with Hiroki Takikawa) The Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. (, December 2017.
  • Anti-immigration attitudes in different welfare states: Do types of labor market policies matter? (Co-authored with Mikael Hjerm) International Journal of Comparative Sociology 56 (2): 141-62, April 2015.
  • Who Supports Redistributive Policies in Contemporary Japan? An Integrative Approach to Self-Interest and Trust Models. (Co-authored with Yoshimichi Sato) International Sociology 29: 302-23, July 2014.