ISS: Research Staff: SHOJI, Masahiro

Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo

the University of Tokyo



Research Staff

SHOJI, Masahiro

Division Department of Comparative Contemporary Economics  
Research Fields Development Economics


Teaching and Research Appointments

April 2020 -March 2021 Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
April 2021 - Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Topics of Research

1Disaster Research

2Social Capital

3Noncognitive Skill and Preference

4Gender Empowerment in Developing Countries

Selected Publications

  • Intergenerational Spillover Effects of School-Based Disaster Education: Evidence from Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 85, 103505, (2023). (with Harada, T. and Takafuji, Y.)
  • Gendered Effects of Early Childhood Weather Shocks on Locus of Control: Evidence from 28 Agricultural Countries, Journal of Population Economics, forthcoming.
  • Mobile Health Technology as a Solution to Self-Control Problems: The Behavioral Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Japan, Social Science and Medicine, 306, 115142, (2022). (with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain)
  • Irrigation Infrastructure and Trust: Evidence from Natural and Lab-in-the-Field Experiments in Rural Communities, World Development, 156, 105906, (2022). (with Aoyagi, K., and Sawada, Y.)
  • Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 6, 235–258, (2022). (with Ito, A., Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Cross-Country Evidence on the Role of National Governance in Boosting COVID-19 Vaccination, BMC Public Health, 22, 576, (2022). (with Aida, T.)
  • Sexual Exploitation of Trafficked Children: Survey Evidence from Child Sex Workers in Bangladesh, Journal of Comparative Economics, 50(1), 101-117, (2022). (with Tsubota, K.)
  • Vaccination and altruism under the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health in Practice, 3, 100225, (2022). (with Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Guilt and Prosocial Behavior: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from Bangladesh, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 70(2), 823–833 (2022).
  • Infodemic in social media and social distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic: public good provisions under uncertainty, Global Health Action, 14:1, 1995958 (2021). (with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain)
  • Prosociality and the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Survey Analysis of Intergenerational Differences in Japan, JMIR mHealth uHealth, 9(8), e29923 (2021).(with Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain)
  • Social Capital Encourages Disaster Evacuation: Evidence from a Cyclone in Bangladesh, Journal of Development Studies, 57(5), 790-806 (2021), (with Akira Murata)
  • The Bright and Dark Sides of Social Media Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey Evidence from Japan, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 54, 102034(2021) , (with Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Motives behind Community Participation: Evidence from Natural and Field Experiments in a Developing Country, Pacific Economic Review, 25(5), 577-600, (2020), (with Aoyagi, K., Kasahara, R., and Sawada, Y.)
  • Social distancing as a public good under the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Health, 108, 51-53(2020), (with Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., and McElwain, K. M.)
  • Formal Education and Disaster Response of Children: Evidence from Coastal Villages in Indonesia, Natural Hazards, 103, 2183–2205(2020), (with Takafuji, Y., and Harada, T.)
  • Behavioral Impact of Disaster Education: Evidence from a Dance-Based Program in Indonesia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 45, 101489 (2020), (with Yoko Takafuji and Tetsuya Harada)
  • Peer Effects in Employment Status: Evidence from Housing Lotteries, Journal of Urban Economics, 113, 103195 (2019), (with Ayako Kondo)
  • Incentive for Risk Sharing and Trust Formation: Experimental and Survey Evidence from Bangladesh, Oxford Economic Papers, 70(4), 1062–1083 (2018).
  • Religious Fractionalisation and Crimes in Disaster-Affected Communities: Survey Evidence from Bangladesh, Journal of Development Studies, 54(10), 1891-1911 (2018).
  • The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Poverty Dynamics: The Case of an Irrigation Project in Sri Lanka, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14(3), 1117-1144 (2014), (with Yasuyuki Sawada, Shinya Sugawara, and Naoko Shinkai)
  • Modes of Collective Action in Village Economies: Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country, Asian Development Review, 30(1), 31-51 (2013) (with Keitaro Aoyagi, Ryuji Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada and Mika Ueyama).
  • Social Capital Formation and Credit Access: Evidence from Sri Lanka, World Development, 40(12), 2522–2536 (2012) (with Keitaro Aoyagi, Ryuji Kasahara, Yasuyuki Sawada and Mika Ueyama).
  • Evaluation of Contingent Repayments in Microfinance: Evidence from a Natural Disaster in Bangladesh, The Developing Economies, 50(2), 116-140. (2012)
  • Does Contingent Repayment in Microfinance Help the Poor During Natural Disasters? Journal of Development Studies, 46(2), 191-210. (2010)
  • How Do the Poor Cope with Hardships When Mutual Assistance Is Unavailable?, Economics Bulletin, 15(13), 1-17. (2008)

Educational Activities

Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo Interdisciplinary Issues in Development Economics