ISS: Research Staff: IIDA, Takashi

Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo

the University of Tokyo



Research Staff

IIDA, Takashi

Division Department of Comparative Contemporary Law  
Research Fields Sociology of Law, Law and Economics

Teaching and Research Appointments

April 2019 − Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
April 2015 −March 2019 Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Topics of Research

1Theoretical and empirical study on the emergence and transformation of social norms

2Empirical and methodological study on the effect of law in society

3Study on the use of social science research and data in legal process and its consequences

4Phylogenetic study of law and social norms

5Social Science of Measurement [Institute-wide Joint Research Project]

Selected Publications

  • Dealing with Crisis: The Japanese Experience and Beyond (Co-edited with J. Babb), Edward Elgar, May 2023.
  • "Mobile Health Technology as a Solution to Self-Control Problems: The Behavioral Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Japan," Social Science & Medicine 306:115142 (Co-authored with Masahiro Shoji, Susumu Cato, Asei Ito, Kenji Ishida, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain),, August 2022.
  • "The Citizen Preferences-Positive Externality Trade-off: Survey Study of COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment in Japan," SSM - Population Health 19: 101191 (Co-authored with Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi),, September 2022.
  • “Vaccination and Altruism under the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Public Health in Practice 3(12):100225 (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Masahiro Shoji) , doi./org/10.1016/j.puhip.2022.100225, January 2022.
  • “Social Media Infodemics and Social Distancing under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Good Provisions under Uncertainty,” Global Health Action 14(1) (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Masahiro Shoji),, November 2021.
  • “Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan,” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, (Co-authored with Masahiro Shoji, Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, and Kenneth Mori McElwain), 10.1007/s41885-021-00103-5, November 2021.
  • “Prosociality and the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Survey Analysis of Intergenerational Differences in Japan,” JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 9(8):e29923, (Co-authored with Masahiro Shoji, Asei Ito, Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain),, August 2021.
  • “The Bright and Dark Sides of Social Media Usage During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey Evidence from Japan,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 54 (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, Masahiro Shoji) ,, January 2021.
  • “Social Distancing as a Public Good under the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Public Health 188: 51–53 (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Masahiro Shoji, in press),, November, 2020.
  • “Twenty Years of Large-Scale Surveys on Civil Litigants in Japan,”Japanese Law & Society Review, No.5, March 2020, pp.111–151. (in Japanese)
  • Social Sciences of Crisis Thinking Vol.2: Confidence for Future, University of Tokyo Press, December 2019. (co-edited with Institute of Social Science and Y. Genda, in Japanese)
  • Social Sciences of Crisis Thinking Vol.1: Getting over Unexpected, University of Tokyo Press, November 2019. (co-edited with Institute of Social Science and Y. Genda, in Japanese)
  • “On Flexibility in Applying Rules,” in D. Foote, S. Ota and R. Hamano (eds.), Toward Empirical Social Science of Law, Shinzansha, March 2019, pp. 359–381. (in Japanese)
  • “Developing Rules by Breaking Rules,” Quarterly Jurist, No.27, November 2018, pp.100–107. (in Japanese)
  • “Beliefs and the Law: On and Around The Republic of Beliefs,” The University of Tokyo Law Review, Vol. 13, November 2018, pp.28–43. (in Japanese)
  • “A Note on Law in Mathematical Models: Norms and Law,” Sociological Theory and Methods, Vol.32, Number 2, September 2017, pp.242–256. (in Japanese)
  • “Emergence of Rights as Resource Allocation Systems,” Horitsu Jiho, Vol.89, Number 2, February 2017, pp.19–25. (in Japanese)
  • “Motivations for Obeying and Breaking the Law: A Preliminary Study Focused on Labor Law and the Role of Non-Instrumental Motivations," Japan Labor Review, Vol.13, Number 4, October 2016, pp. 28–46.
  • “The Power of 'Society' to Generate Rights,” K. Ageishi, H. Otsuka, K. Musashi, and M. Hirayama (eds.), The Legal Process in Contemporary Japan, Vol.2, Shinzansha, May 2016, pp. 449–471.
  • “How Is Altruism Related to Social Norms,” The Journal of Social Science, Vol.67, Number 2, March 2016, pp. 23–48. (in Japanese)
  • Connecting Law and Social Sciences [Ho to Shakaikagaku wo Tsunagu, in Japanese], Yuhikaku, February 2016.

Educational Activities

Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo Behavioral Economics and the Law
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo Behavioral Economics and the Law
Faculty of Law, The University of Tokyo Law and Economics
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo Specialized Seminar
Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University Law and Economics
Law School, Waseda University Law and Economics
Law School, Chuo University Law and Economics
The Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba Law and Economics