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- Research Staff
- IIDA, Takashi
Research Staff
IIDA, Takashi

Division | Department of Comparative Contemporary Law |
Research Fields | Sociology of Law, Law and Economics |
iida-t |
Teaching and Research Appointments
April 2019 − | Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo |
April 2015 −March 2019 | Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo |
Topics of Research
- 1Theoretical and empirical study on the emergence and transformation of social norms
- 2Empirical and methodological study on the effect of law in society
- 3Study on the use of social science research and data in legal process and its consequences
- 4Phylogenetic study of law and social norms
- 5Social Science of Measurement [Institute-wide Joint Research Project]
Selected Publications
- Dealing with Crisis: The Japanese Experience and Beyond (Co-edited with J. Babb), Edward Elgar, May 2023.
- "Mobile Health Technology as a Solution to Self-Control Problems: The Behavioral Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Japan," Social Science & Medicine 306:115142 (Co-authored with Masahiro Shoji, Susumu Cato, Asei Ito, Kenji Ishida, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain),, August 2022.
- "The Citizen Preferences-Positive Externality Trade-off: Survey Study of COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment in Japan," SSM - Population Health 19: 101191 (Co-authored with Keisuke Kawata and Masaki Nakabayashi),, September 2022.
- “Vaccination and Altruism under the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Public Health in Practice 3(12):100225 (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Masahiro Shoji) , doi./org/10.1016/j.puhip.2022.100225, January 2022.
- “Social Media Infodemics and Social Distancing under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Good Provisions under Uncertainty,” Global Health Action 14(1) (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Masahiro Shoji),, November 2021.
- “Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan,” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, (Co-authored with Masahiro Shoji, Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, and Kenneth Mori McElwain), 10.1007/s41885-021-00103-5, November 2021.
- “Prosociality and the Uptake of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Survey Analysis of Intergenerational Differences in Japan,” JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 9(8):e29923, (Co-authored with Masahiro Shoji, Asei Ito, Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Hiroto Katsumata, and Kenneth Mori McElwain),, August 2021.
- “The Bright and Dark Sides of Social Media Usage During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey Evidence from Japan,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 54 (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, Masahiro Shoji) ,, January 2021.
- “Social Distancing as a Public Good under the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Public Health 188: 51–53 (Co-authored with Susumu Cato, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Masahiro Shoji, in press),, November, 2020.
- “Twenty Years of Large-Scale Surveys on Civil Litigants in Japan,”Japanese Law & Society Review, No.5, March 2020, pp.111–151. (in Japanese)
- Social Sciences of Crisis Thinking Vol.2: Confidence for Future, University of Tokyo Press, December 2019. (co-edited with Institute of Social Science and Y. Genda, in Japanese)
- Social Sciences of Crisis Thinking Vol.1: Getting over Unexpected, University of Tokyo Press, November 2019. (co-edited with Institute of Social Science and Y. Genda, in Japanese)
- “On Flexibility in Applying Rules,” in D. Foote, S. Ota and R. Hamano (eds.), Toward Empirical Social Science of Law, Shinzansha, March 2019, pp. 359–381. (in Japanese)
- “Developing Rules by Breaking Rules,” Quarterly Jurist, No.27, November 2018, pp.100–107. (in Japanese)
- “Beliefs and the Law: On and Around The Republic of Beliefs,” The University of Tokyo Law Review, Vol. 13, November 2018, pp.28–43. (in Japanese)
- “A Note on Law in Mathematical Models: Norms and Law,” Sociological Theory and Methods, Vol.32, Number 2, September 2017, pp.242–256. (in Japanese)
- “Emergence of Rights as Resource Allocation Systems,” Horitsu Jiho, Vol.89, Number 2, February 2017, pp.19–25. (in Japanese)
- “Motivations for Obeying and Breaking the Law: A Preliminary Study Focused on Labor Law and the Role of Non-Instrumental Motivations," Japan Labor Review, Vol.13, Number 4, October 2016, pp. 28–46.
- “The Power of 'Society' to Generate Rights,” K. Ageishi, H. Otsuka, K. Musashi, and M. Hirayama (eds.), The Legal Process in Contemporary Japan, Vol.2, Shinzansha, May 2016, pp. 449–471.
- “How Is Altruism Related to Social Norms,” The Journal of Social Science, Vol.67, Number 2, March 2016, pp. 23–48. (in Japanese)
- Connecting Law and Social Sciences [Ho to Shakaikagaku wo Tsunagu, in Japanese], Yuhikaku, February 2016.
Educational Activities
Graduate School of Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo | Behavioral Economics and the Law |
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo | Behavioral Economics and the Law |
Faculty of Law, The University of Tokyo | Law and Economics |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo | Specialized Seminar |
Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University | Law and Economics |
Law School, Waseda University | Law and Economics |
Law School, Chuo University | Law and Economics |
The Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba | Law and Economics |