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- Research Staff
- ISHIHARA, Akifumi
Research Staff
Division | Department of Comparative Contemporary Economics |
Research Fields | Contract Theory, Industrial Organization, Organizational Economics, Political Economy | |
Personal Website |
Teaching and Research Appointments
April 2012 | Ph.D in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science |
April 2019 − March 2023 | Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo |
April 2023 − | Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo |
Topics of Research
- 1Incentive Problems in Organizations
- 2Firms’ Strategies in Markets
- 3Strategic Decision Making in Public Sectors
Selected Publications
- “Pre-emptive Production and Market Competitiveness in Oligopoly with Private Information” (with Yuki Amemiya and Tomoya Nakamura), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2021) 30(2): 449--455.
- “Exclusive Content in Two-Sided Markets” (with Ryoko Oki), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2021) 30(3): 638--654.
- “On Multitasking and Job Design in Relational Contracts,” Journal of Industrial Economics, (2020) 68(4): 693-736.
- “Strategic Candidacy for Political Compromise in Party Politics,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, (2020) 32(3): 389-408.
- “Dark Sides of Patent Pools with Compulsory Independent Licensing” (joint with Noriyuki Yanagawa), International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2018) 57(1): 1–34.
- “Transparency and Performance Evaluation in Sequential Agency” (joint with Susumu Cato), Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, (2017) 33(3): 475–506.
- “Relational Contracting and Endogenous Formation of Teamwork,” RAND Journal of Economics, (2017) 48(2): 335–357.
- “Relational Political Contribution under Common Agency,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, (2017) 19(2): 527–547.
- “Minor Candidates as Kingmakers” (joint with Shintaro Miura), Public Choice, (2017) 170(3), 253–263.
- “Role of Information Rents in Relational Contracts, ”Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2016) 25(4), 936–957.
- “Concessions and Repression in Conflict” (joint with Prakarsh Singh), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, (2016) 16(2), 865–899.
Educational Activities
Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo | Economics of Contracts and Organization |