Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo

the University of Tokyo


Research Staff

UNO Shigeki

update at 09 June 2015

Division Department of Comparative Contemporary Politics
Research fields History of Political Thought, Political Philosophy

Teaching and Research Appointments

April 1999 − March 2007 Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
August 2000 − July 2002 Visiting Scholar, School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), France
April 2007 − March 2011 Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
May 2010 − March 2011 Mori Hamada Distinguishe Visitor, Cornell Law School
April 2011 − Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Publications (2014- )

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  1. “The Meaning of Legislation in the French Political Thought,” T. Iunoue ed., The Frontier of Legislation Studies, Nakanishiya Shoten, 2014, pp.219-240. (in Japanese)
  2. “Pragmatism: Customs, Experiences and Democracy,” S. Uno ed., The Transformation of the Modernity, University of Tokyo Press, 2014, pp.177-199. (in Japanese)
  3. “Re-Considering Local Governance,” S. Uno and K. Iokibe eds., Local Governance in Japan, Yûhikaku, 2015, pp.15-35. (in Japanese)
  4. “The Birth of a New Model Governor?,” S. Uno and K. Iokibe eds., Local Governance in Japan, Yûhikaku, 2015, pp.197-215. (in Japanese)

Selected publications ( -2013)

  1. “Aspects of French Liberalism and Alexis de Tocqueville,” Kokkagakkaizasshi, Vol.107, No.5-6, 1994, pp.153-202. (in Japanese)
  2. Living in the Age of Democracy: Tocqueville' s Re-discovery of the Political, Sobunsha, 1998. (in Japanese)
  3. “Tocqueville and J.-S. Mill: An Essay on the Transformation of Liberalism in the 19th Century,” Hougakuronshu, Vol.13, No.3, Chiba University, 1999, pp.37-102. (in Japanese)
  4. “Liberal-Communitarian Debate and its Consequences,” Hougakuronshu, Vol.14, No.2, Chiba University, 1999, pp.19-49. (in Japanese)
  5. “A History of Political Thought on Representative Democracy,” The Journal of Social Science, Vol.52, No.3, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, 2001, pp.5-36. (in Japanese)
  6. “Conservatism,” A. Fukuda and M. Taniguchi ed., Political Science of Democracy, University of Tokyo Press, 2002, pp.19-36. (in Japanese)
  7. “Three Aspects of Subjectivity in the Thought od Maruyama Masao,” M. Kobayashi ed., Maruyama Masao, Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2003, pp.40-74. (in Japanese)
  8. For Political Philosophy: Dialogues with Contemporary French Political Philosophers, University of Tokyo Press, 2004. (in Japanese)
  9. “La Modernisation politique au Japon et l'idée de subjectivité chez MARUYAMA Masao”, Ebisu--Études japonaise, 32 (Printemps-Été 2004), Maison Franco-Japonaise, 2004, pp.67-83. (in French)
  10. “Re-integration of Liberalism and Republican Liberty,” Shiso, 965, 2004, pp.84-101. (in Japanese)
  11. “European Integration as a Propblem of Political Philosophy,” T. Nakamura ed., New Horizon of the Study for European Union, Kyoto, Minerva Shobo, 2005, pp.247-279. (in Japanese)
  12. “Les idées politiques du Japon de l'époque moderne”, Jean-Francois Sabouret (ed.), La Dynamique du Japon, Paris, Saint-Simon, 2005, pp.83-92. (in French)
  13. “La redécouverte de Tocqueville et sa signification,” Revue de Philosophie Francaise, 11, Société franco-japonaise de philosophie, 2006, pp.40-48. (in Japanese)
  14. “Transformation of Japanese Social Sciences in the 1990s,” The Journal of Social Science, Vol.58, No.1, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, 2006, pp.99-123. (in Japanese)
  15. “The Reformation of Intermediate Groups and the Social : From the Perspective of Political Philosophy,” Y. Mizumachi ed., Individuals or Groups?: Changing Labor and Law, Keiso Shobo, 2006, pp.39-59. (in Japanese)
  16. Tocqueville: A Theorist of Equqlity and Inequality, Kodansha, 2007. (in Japanese)
  17. “A Political Philosophy of Social Ties: Focusing on the Thought of Tocqueville,” Y. Ogawa and S. Endo ed., Global Society of Dialogue, Akashi Shoten, 2007, pp.189-217. (in Japanese)
  18. “To Speak of Hope in the Social Sciences,” Shigeki Uno ed. (with Y. Genda), Speaking of Hope: Towards a New Horizon in the Social Sciences, Social Sciences of Hope 1, Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2009., pp.267-291. (in Japanese)
  19. “Tomin Suzuki as a Mayor of Kamaishi,” Y. Genda and N. Nakamura ed., Reproducing Hope: What the History and Industry of Kamaishi Tell Us, Social Sciences of Hope 2, Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 2009., pp.267-291. (in Japanese)
  20. “Tocqueville and the Renewal of Political Philosophy: Tocqueville on Both Sides of the Atlantic,” R. Matsumoto, N. Miura and S. Uno eds., Tocqueville and Democracy Today, University of Tokyo Press, 2009, 370-385.(in Japanese)
  21. “Synergy and Offset of Liberty and Equality,” J. Saito ed., For the Mutual Recogniton of Socail Integration and Liberty, Iwanami Shoten, 2009, pp.51-74. (in Japanese)
  22. “A Political Philosophy of Labor and Inequality,” The Journal of Social Science, Vol.62, No.3-4, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, 2010, pp.153-172. (in Japanese)
  23. Democracy in the Age of Meism, 2010, Iwanamishinsho. (in Japanese)
  24. “Tocqueville and Neo-Tocquevillian,” N. Miura ed., French Liberalsim in Debate, Keiso Shobo, 2010, pp.205-235. (in Japanese)
  25. “When Politics starts to talk Social Ties,” S.Uno ed., Social Ties and Political Studies, Fukosha, 2010, pp.269-296. (in Japanese)
  26. “Human Rights and Coservatism,” Y. Ichinokawa ed., Reconsidering Human Rughts, Horitsu Bunkasha, 2010, pp.158-176. (in Japanese)
  27. “Politics and Knowledge in France: Republic of Science, School and Knowledge,” K. Tsutsui ed., Political Leadership and Culture, Chikura Shobo, 2011, pp. 233-249. (in Japanese)
  28. In Defence of Democracy: A Response to Reflexive Modernization, with T. Tamura and N. Yamazaki, 2011, Nakanishiya Shuppan. (in Japanese)
  29. “Education and Politics in the Age of Meism,” S. Uno, A. Inoue and N. Yamazaki eds., Political Philosophy in Practice, 2012, Nakanishiya Shuppan. (in Japanese)
  30. “Liberal-Communitarian DebateRevisited,” The Journal of Social Science, Vol.64, No.2, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, 2013, pp.89-108. (in Japanese)
  31. How to Make Democracy?, 2014, Chikumashobo. (in Japanese)
  32. A History of Western Political Thought, 2014, Yuhikaku. (in Japanese)

Topics of research

(1) Democracy and Religion
(2) Labor, Local Governance and Hope in Contemporary Japan
(3) Contemporary Political Philosophy in the Comparaive Perspective: America, France and Japan
(4) History of French Political Thought in 19th century