Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo

the University of Tokyo


Research Staff

Naofumi Nakamura

update at 24 Apr. 2015

Division Department of Comparative Contemporary Economics
Research fields Business and Economic History

Teaching and Research Appointments

April 1994 − March 1996 Research Associate, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
April 1996 − March 2002 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic, Saitama University
April 2002 − March 2010 Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
November 2003 − January 2004 Visiting Professor, School of East Asian Study, University of Sheffield, UK
March 2007 − March 2008 Visiting Senior Fellow, Department of Economic History,London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
April 2010 − Professor, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
April 2010 − May 2010 Visiting Professor, L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France

Publications (2014- )


  1. Mochiba no Kibou-gaku: Kamaishi to Shinsai, Mouhitotsu no Kioku (Social Sciences of Hope, People in Charge: Kamaishi, Earthquake Disaster, and Another Memory), (with Yuji Genda), Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, December 2014, pp. 1-423.
  2. Kibou no Kyoyu wo mezashite: Seiren Keiei-shi (Having Hope in Common: A Business History of Seiren Co.), (with Seiren Co. ), Fukui: Seiren Co., March 2015, pp. 1-503.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  1. “Reconsidering the Japanese Industrial Revolution: Local Entrepreneurs in the Cotton Textile Industry during the Meiji Era”, Social Science Japan Journal Vol.18-1, January 2015. pp. 23-44
  2. “Shisan Tokushu-sei to Kigyo no Kyoukai (Asset Specificity and Boundaries of Firms)”, M.Nakabayashi and S.Ishiguro eds., Kigyo no Keizaigaku (Economics of the Firm: Structure and Dynamics), Tokyo: Yuhikaku, December 2014, pp. 101-119.
  3. “Kigyo no Baibai to Kyokai: Tagawa-Saitan, Houshu-Tetsudo, and Mitsui-Tagawa (Buy-out and Boundaries of Firms: Tagawa Coal Mining Co., Hoshu Railway, and Mitsui Mining Co.)”, W.Tanaka and M.Nakabayashi eds., Kigyo-tochi no Hou to Keizai (Law and Economics of Corporate Governance: A Comparative Institutional Analysis), Tokyo: Yuhikaku, March 2015, pp. 131-153.
  4. “Keiei-shi to Chiiki Hatten (Regional Development and Business History)”, Keiei-shi Gakkai ed. Keiei-shigaku no 50-nen (A Half-century of Japanese Business History), Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha, March 2015, pp. 33-41.
  5. “Kamaishi-chiiki niokeru 'Kaihatsu' to Kibou no Saisei (Development of the Kamaishi area and Rebirth of Hope)”, T.Matsumoto ed. Touhoku-chiho Kaihatsu no Keifu (A History of Development of the Touhoku Area), Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, March 2015, pp. 134-160.

Selected Publications ( -2013)

  1. Nihon Tetsudo-gyo no keisei (The Formation of Japanese Railway Industry, 1869—1894), Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha, 1998, pp.1-401.
  2. “The Formation of a Railway Transportation System in Japan’s Railway Industry”, Japanese Yearbook on Business History, 16: pp.31-61, Business History Society of Japan, March 2000.
  3. “Meiji-Era Industrialization and Provincial Vitality: The Significance of the First Enterprising Boom of the 1880s”, Social Science Japan Journal, 3(2), Oxford University Press: Oxford: pp.187-205, October 2000.
  4. “The Present State of Research on Zaibatu: The Case of Mitsubishi”, Social Science Japan Journal, 5(2): pp.233-242, Oxford University Press: Oxford, October 2002.
  5. “Merchants’ Investment in Securities and the Enterprise Boom; the Case of the House of Sotaro Hiromi”, Japanese Research in Business History, 23: pp. 35-57, 2006.
  6. “Personnel management and the formation of modern business organization; the railway industry in Japan before the First World War”, Tetsuji Okazaki (ed.), Production Organizations in Japanese Economic Development, London: Routledge: pp.75-109, January 2007.
  7. “Hopology-the Kamaishi Research”, Social Science Japan, 36, Tokyo: Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo: pp.6-8, March 2007.
  8. Sangyo-kakumei to Kigyo-keiei (The Industrial Revolution and Business Activity in Japan), Japanese Business History Vol.2, Kyoto: Minerva Sho-bo, 2010, pp.1-387. (coedited with Takeshi Abe)
  9. Chiho karano Sangyo-kakumei (Local Perspectives on Japanese Industrial Revolution), Nagoya: Nagoya University Press, 2010, pp.1-401.
  10. Japan's Shrinking Regions in the 21st Century: Contemporary Responses to Depopulation and Socioeconomic Decline (P. Matanle and A. Rausch with the Shrinking Regions Research Group), New York: Cambria Press. August 2011,530pages. (Chapter5(pp.220-227) and Chapter8(pp.319-327)).
  11. “Getting on a Train: Railway Passengers and the Growth of Train Travel in Meiji Japan” (in P.Francks and J.Hunter eds.), The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000, London: Palgrave Macmillan, January 2012, pp. 207-234.
  12. “Railway Engineer’s Group in the Early Meiji Japan.” Japanese Research in Business History, Vol.28. 2012 pp. 11-33.
  13. “Social Science of Hope, The Fukui Research Project” Social Science Japan, vol.46, March 2012, pp.11-14.
  14. “Railway and Government in Meiji Japan: With a Focus on Nationalisation”, ISS Discussion Paper F-161, June 2012, pp.1-23.
  15. “Okura-gumi New York Shiten no shido to Tstsudo-youhin Torihiki (Trade of Railway Materials and Okura & Co. in New York)”, Uyeyama K. and Kikkawa Y. eds., Senzen-ki Hokubei no Nihon Shousha (Japanese Trading Companies in US during Pre-World War Second), Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoron-sha, March 2013, pp. 207-237.

Topics of research

(1) A historical study of the railway industry in modern Japan
(2) Local Perspectives on Japanese Industrial Revolution
(3) Oral histories of managers and labors in Post-war Japan

Educational Activities in 2015

Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo Industrial History, Introduction to Japanese Historical Archives
Graduate School of Letters, Keio University Special Topics in Japanese History